Recent Conference Presentation using E3-India
1.The Economic and Environmental Consequences of the Electric Vehicle Transition in India
Authors : Vishnu S. Prabhu and Kakali Mukhopadhyay, 29th International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Conference, 26 – 30 June 2023, Alghero, Italy
2. Macro-economic impacts of Renewable Energy Transition in India: An Input-Output LCA approach
Authors: Prabhu, V. S., & Mukhopadhyay K., 28th International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia (28 August – 2 September 2022)
3.Measuring Food-Energy-Water nexus footprint using a systematic Input-Output Approach: A case study of Pune district
Authors: Mukhopadhyay K., Prabhu, V. S., Shrivastava, S., Ajatasatru, A., Klauer B.,28th International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia (28 August – 2 September 2022)
4. Economic accounting of Green, Blue and Grey water use in agriculture in India
Authors: Karan Kumar, Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Paul J. Thomassin,Environment Canada Invited Session at the 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association, June 3-5, 2021 Hosted by the Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, Canada
5.Regional Impact of India’s Renewable Energy Mandates: An Application of E3-India Model
Authors: Vishnu S. Prabhu and Kakali Mukhopadhyay,1st International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Online Conference, June 7-9, 2021
6. Regional Impact of Clean Energy in 2035: An Application of E3 India Model
Authors: Kakali Mukhopadhyay, Partha Pratim Ghosh and Arihant Jain,The 53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Calgary, Alberta May 30, 2019 – June 2, 2019
7. Climate Resilience and Nationally Determined Commitments: Mapping Regional Resonance for India
Authors: Surabhi Joshi and Kakali Mukhopadhyay, 2019 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Applied Energy “A+B” Symposium, Cambridge, USA May 22-24, 2019
8.Evaluating effectiveness of Indian COP24 commitments towards low carbon sustainable growth trajectory for India,
Authors:Surabhi Joshi and Kakali Mukhopadhyay, 27th International Input-Output Conference, June 30 – July 5th, 2019, in
Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
9. Regional Impacts of Renewable Energy Targets on the Indian Economy An Application of E-3 India model
Authors: Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Partha Pratim Ghosh, ICES 2018, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
10. Implications of clean energy targets for the Indian Economy based on the E3 Model
Authors: Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Partha Pratim Ghosh,26th IIOA Conference in Juiz de Vora, Rio de Janerio June 25-29,2018
11.An Evaluation of Food-Energy-Water Nexus Footprint: Case of Pune District in Maharashtra, India
Authors: Mukhopadhyay K., Prabhu, V. S., Shrivastava, S., Ajatasatru, A., Klauer B., 43rd International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) International Conference, Tokyo, Japan (31 July to 4 August 2022)