
E3-India is a macro-econometric simulation model. The modelling framework combines a standard system of national accounts (IOTs) with a series of econometric equations, designed to capture the behavioural relationships and responses of the economy to policy. Further it features a unique future technology transition (FTT) module for evaluation of transitions in the energy sector. It is similar in design to the internationally recognised E3ME model.

Unlike the more common computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach to economic modelling, E3-India does not assume full employment or perfectly competitive markets; instead it estimates behaviour based on available historical data. 

E3-India is available for all users free of charge under license for academic use.

The model results include a full set of energy balances (and prices) and estimates of greenhouse gas emissions and other energy-related emissions.


E3-India is an advanced software tool to assess energy-economy linkages for India across time. It has the following dimensions:

  • 32 Indian states and territories
  • 38 economic sectors
  • 21 users of five different energy carriers
  • CO2 emissions from 21 sources
  • Annual projections to 2035


E3-India produces a wide range of socio-economic outputs at the state and national level, for example:

  • Employment and unemployment
  • GDP and sectoral output
  • Investment
  • International trade and trade between states
  • Household income (by income group) and consumption
  • Public balances
  • Prices and inflation


E3-India developed as a collaborative initiative by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) , Cambridge Econometrics (CE) and Indian scholars.


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