International Conference on Economic Structures 

The E3-India team and collaborators hosted a special session demonstrating the value of using integrated macro-econometric simulation models for modelling energy transitions at different regional scales.
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Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

More than 40 students and faculty members attended this workshop on E3 modelling framework and model applications, hosted by the Energy Science and Engineering Department. The content included a mix of in-depth theoretical and conceptual presentations along with hands-on opportunities to delve into using the modelling tool more effectively.
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Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics

This seminar and interactive session for master’s students included an introductory lecture followed by an extensive one-on-one interaction to check how the students would like to use the model in research contexts of their personal interests. The institute is the oldest research and training institute in economics in the country and focuses on an array of socio-economic dimensions.
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Madras School of Economics

The session on E3-India modelling framework and its applications included a lecture followed by hands-on training. It attracted a diverse group from the academic community at this centre of excellence in postgraduate education in economics.
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Indian Institute of Sciences

This seminar, hosted at the School of Management and focusing on introductions to the E3-India modelling framework and its applications in policy analysis, drew faculty members and doctoral and master’s students. The school is the premier institute for advanced scientific and technological research and education in India and has been involved in various aspects of energy research.
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E3-India developed as a collaborative initiative by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) , Cambridge Econometrics (CE) and Indian scholars.


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