58th Congress European Regional Science Association

August 28-31, 2018

Cork, Ireland

We presented a paper on a framework to assess the robustness and consistency of integrated assessment models at this meeting of national regional science associations. The congress involves wide participation by academicians, policy professionals, and researchers in spatial economics and planning, regional and local development, and related issues.

Framework to assess robustness and consistency of integrated energy policy analysis models

Presenter: Saket Sarraf, Ph.D., P.S. Collective

Abstract: For any model, validation and establishing credibility among the user community is always difficult. This paper explores different ways to validate a model and ascertain the model performance from an end-users’ perspective. This work-in-progress paper aims to make a methodological contribution to the field of model validation in the context of integrated models by proposing methods to assess robustness, consistency, and sensitivity. The methods will be applied to the E3-India model. The outcome will be used to provide feedback to the modelling team and help the potential user group to assess the credibility of model outcomes.


E3-India developed as a collaborative initiative by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) , Cambridge Econometrics (CE) and Indian scholars.


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