Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

March 16-17, 2018

Mumbai, India

More than 40 students and faculty members attended this workshop on the E3 modelling framework and model applications, hosted by the Energy Science and Engineering Department. The content included a mix of in-depth theoretical and conceptual presentations along with hands-on opportunities to delve into using the modelling tool more effectively. View highlights of the workshop below.

Energy Modelling Overview

Hector Pollitt provides an overview of the use of models, the theory behind macroeconomic modeling, and highlights key issues to consider when using an economic model.


Modelling the Economy

Hector Pollitt introduces post-Keynesian economic principles, highlights the features and economics of the E3-India model, and summarizes the advantages and limitations of the E3-India modelling approach.


Modelling Energy & Environment

Hector Pollitt dives more deeply into the details of the E3-India model and addresses the structure of the model, the economic accounting framework, how energy demand and supply are modeled, and the software and validation process behind the model. He also takes participants through running a sample scenario using the model.


E3-India developed as a collaborative initiative by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) , Cambridge Econometrics (CE) and Indian scholars.


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