Academic and professional communities have been using the E3-India model since 2017 to analyze policy issues, including:

Energy, emissions, and economy-wide impacts of adopting appliance efficiency measures

Mapping impacts of power sector efficiency improvement, subsidy phase-out and tariff rationalisation articulated by UDAY across Indian states

Evaluating green grid scenarios (175 GW RET by 2020) from triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental efficiencies

Double dividend strategy for clean development: Allocating consumption-based environmental responsibility of coal production amongst Indian states

List of Published Journal Articles & Dissertations

Joshi, S., & Mukhopadhyay, K. (2022). Cleaner the better: Macro-economic assessment of ambitious decarbonisation pathways across Indian states. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition., 2, Prabhu, V. S., Shrivastava, S., & Mukhopadhyay, K. (2022). Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic in India: A Circular Economy Approach. Circular Economy and Sustainability., 2, 507-534. Prabhu, V.…
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Recent Conference Presentation using E3-India

1.The Economic and Environmental Consequences of the Electric Vehicle Transition in IndiaAuthors : Vishnu S. Prabhu and Kakali Mukhopadhyay, 29th International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Conference, 26 – 30 June 2023, Alghero, Italy2. Macro-economic impacts of Renewable Energy Transition in India: An Input-Output LCA approachAuthors: Prabhu, V. S., & Mukhopadhyay K., 28th International Input-Output Association (IIOA)…
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Evaluating the multi-dimensional impact of Electric Vehicle Transition in Madhya Pradesh

This report focusses on the multidimensional impact at the state-level of another pioneering goal of the central government, of accelerating Electric Vehicle (EV) transition. The results from the study indicate modest economic and environmental impact of EV battery manufacturing investments and EV charging with RE expansion. The dominant role of coal-fired thermal power plants due…
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Developing a novel decarbonization pathway for cement industry through synergy with Renewable Energy Sources – A case study of Madhya Pradesh

Regional energy transition and decarbonization studies poses a unique challenge by taking into consideration, the regional socio-economic characteristics, especially in an agrarian, populous, coal-bearing and mineral rich state such as Madhya Pradesh. Given its ease of access to fossil fuels and raw material inputs, the state is a leading cement producer in the country, supplying…
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Decarbonizing Maharashtra: Evaluating Integrated impacts of Industrial decarbonization and Green Hydrogen scale-up

Path to decarbonization for Maharashtra will entail a mix of policy levers including sector specific decarbonization targets and mandates, scaling up green technologies like green hydrogen and renewables along with coal phase out. This report provides an insight into understanding both individual and integrated dynamics of state level decarbonization policy mixes and its economic and…
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E3-India developed as a collaborative initiative by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) , Cambridge Econometrics (CE) and Indian scholars.


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