Decarbonizing Maharashtra: Evaluating Integrated impacts of Industrial decarbonization and Green Hydrogen scale-up
Path to decarbonization for Maharashtra will entail a mix of policy levers including sector specific decarbonization targets and mandates, scaling up green technologies like green hydrogen and renewables along with coal phase out. This report provides an insight into understanding both individual and integrated dynamics of state level decarbonization policy mixes and its economic and environmental impacts. We find that in short to medium term where dominant switch to new technologies is not possible, decarbonization of hard to abate sectors and reduction in coal production, combined with progressive green hydrogen policy provides better growth opportunities i.e. 1.8 – 2.4 % increase in GDP along with 0.4-0.63% increase in regional employment. Further, the integrated strategy has the potential to reduce up to 12.1% regional emissions with emission intensity of GDP reducing up to 53.3% from 2005 level by 2030. These results highlight the dual benefits of economic growth and environmental progress achievable through a balanced and ambitious state-led decarbonization framework. For further details please contact :
Report Version: November 2024
Authors & Contributors: Kakali Mukhopadhyay, Surabhi Joshi, Vishnu S Prabhu