Evaluating the multi-dimensional impact of Electric Vehicle Transition in Madhya Pradesh
This report focusses on the multidimensional impact at the state-level of another pioneering goal of the central government, of accelerating Electric Vehicle (EV) transition. The results from the study indicate modest economic and environmental impact of EV battery manufacturing investments and EV charging with RE expansion. The dominant role of coal-fired thermal power plants due to its easy access in the state poses a serious challenge as it leads to crowding out of incremental RE capacity. Further, the absence of EV battery manufacturing ecosystem in the state leads to minimal or negligible job creation, indicating leakages in terms of imports of intermediate components in the EV supply chain. This case study presents the overarching need of developing region-specific tailor-made policy interventions by taking into consideration different economic developmental trajectories for effective and positive spillover effects.
Report Version: November, 2024
Authors & Contributors: Kakali Mukhopadhyay, Surabhi Joshi, Vishnu S Prabhu